The Stories
Monday, March 22, 2010
Wah, baby post quite often these few days wor.. =X haha!
Baby, dun worry, no matter up or down, happy or sad, i'll be there for you, to support you, to encourage you along the way de... You can do it! and so can i! =) Lets study together, then we'll have a better future for the two of us ok?!
Seems like baby is completing most of her new yr resolutions, except for the less clumsy part, and baby needs to focus more on her image! >.<>
Love you my dear.. Hugs...
Photography-love (L)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
tis morning i went SIM to hv my certs verified and also to settle the course application fees.. so now i hv to wait till May to know e outcome.. shld be will get in de la.. lol.. den July will start sch..
in the afternoon i went to

to check rgd braces.. well.. the cost will come up to
about $4k in total.. but its only the first time payment of $600 that is scary.. other den tat, every follow up will cost me about $160-$190.. which is once a month.. i will most probably do the ceramic braces which will look lyk tis..
so basically thru out my 2yrs of half study half work, i will look lyk tat.. and when i graduate and start looking for a higher salary job, my teeth will be pretty pretty.. =D yet another new yr resolution DOWN! *happy*
during the next 2 yrs, my acct will run on super low fuel every mth.. but no matter wad oso must survive thru.. gloria, u must jia you jia you jia you!
Photography-love (L)
Thursday, March 18, 2010
one more new yr resolution down..
i've applied to study Bachelor of Business (Mgmt)


if application goes smoothly, sch will start in July..
kinda worried how i will cope with work n studies.. but hopefully i can manage!
the new yr resolution which i wrote last.. oh well, we received a letter.. but apparently we didnt got much help.. ): dun wanna tok bout it..
Photography-love (L)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
i will be starting work on 12 April 2010 at....

byebye RVH..
*i managed to fulfill one of my new yr resolution by finding a new job! yipee~
Photography-love (L)