The Stories
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
i wanna save money get a digital camera..
so sudden..
i've nv had a camera before!
Photography-love (L)
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Happy 22nd Birthday to MYSELF!
Thank you baby, for making my 22nd birthday such a wonderful one. Thanks for the surprises, the presents, the organising of the dinner, the choice of dinner venue, thanks for everything and thanks for always being there for me.
Really, really, love you. Hugs you baby..
I really enjoyed myself throughout the past few days... Though the stairs, toilet were a little irritating. Heh. And the panadol drink -.-
Photography-love (L)
Thursday, July 02, 2009
YOUYou know how to convince others of their worth and get them to do your bidding.
You are a powerful manipulator and have great drive and determination.
You have a strong need for success.
You are good at reading the signs of the times and knowing when to act.
You have a strong personality and are passionate about your beliefs.
You rarely pretend to be something you are not and are always honest from the start.
You sometimes tend to indulge in excess and obsessive compulsive disorder is not uncommon. You can be giving, sharing and affectionate but you do not hesitate to advise or judge.
You have great instincts but can at times be smothering and insensitive.
You like to take center stage in your loved ones lives and when left to do so life can be content, peaceful and even quiet with you.
You need a solid, practical partner who can offer emotional stability and structure.
Strengths: Enterprising – Persuasive – Observant
Weaknesses: Excessive – Manipulative – Insecure
MEYou value the nonmaterial side of life.
You enjoy the pleasures of table and bed.
You have a blend of spiritual and sensual approach to life.
You are lively and entertaining.
Health is important to you.
You have a strong desire to do good and better your surroundings.
You can be devotional and service oriented, you are big hearted and give freely to others, which sometimes get you into trouble from more selfish individuals.
You feel hurt when others do not meet your high standards of friendship.
You wear your heart on your sleeve.
Your know it all attitude is sometimes difficult for others to handle.
You enjoy sharing at a deep level with your friends and family.
You can be emotionally unstable in love relationships and changing partners can become a way of life for you.
You can be a lot to handle and make demands that are suffocating to others, you can be jealous and possessive even though you insist you can handle an ‘open’ relationship.
Strengths: Spiritual – Sensual – Transparent
Weaknesses: Emotional – Irresponsible - Catastrophic
Photography-love (L)