The Stories
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
TIOMAN trip is confirmed, confirmed, CONFIRMED...
we'll be leaving 17th April.. 3D2N.. *excited*
in 10 days time, it will be my bday party..
well.. kinda excited.. kinda worried..
kinda everything..
cake not settled...
clothes half settled...
*shakes head*
Photography-love (L)
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
YAY! i've submitted the application for our Tioman trip! Tentative dates are April 17 to April 20th! =)
Hopefully it will go thru.. Hmmm.. Wonder how will it be like over there.. Very excited!
V day's coming, and i'm still clueless on what to do.. ARGH!!! =(
Photography-love (L)
Friday, February 06, 2009
im on leave today..
hv to clear another 3 days of leave tis month..
wonder how im clearing the other two days..
cny is coming to an end soon..
baby said our tioman trip may be postponed to April instead..
im ok de la..
im just looking forward to see how beautiful the sea is..
and to relax..
not gonna go bangkok le wor..
not enuf money.. go der confirm spend alot..
so.. maybe some other time bah..
Photography-love (L)
Monday, February 02, 2009

omg! tats
Photography-love (L)
Sunday, February 01, 2009
So far...
$156(first 2 days) + $36(these 2 days) + $20(unknown person) + $10(unknown person) + $XX from dad, + $XX from mum, + $10 from Aunt Jessie = ... $242! Woots! But i spent... $100 le. on Photoshop.. =(
Hope to have more!!! Woots!
Photography-love (L)