The Stories
Sunday, August 31, 2008
yester i finally got to meet up with my old teammates and of cus Mr San.. in total 7 of us turned up to celebrate Teachers Day for him.. i can say tis is the first time we are dining out with Mr San.. lol.. it was pretty fun especially with imah ard.. managed to catch up on each others life and some became slimmer, while some prettier.. Mr San looks younger thou slightly chubbier.. hee.. he questioned y always when ders a gathering.. our batch is nv informed bout it.. well.. simply said.. all the while we held no position in our senior and our junior's eyes.. dat is y.. we r nv informed bout anything.. we had fish & co for dinner and chit chatted at starbucks.. it was kinda weird at first as we needed some warm up.. lol.. luckily imah was der! have to thank becca for using her hp as a subsitute for a cam cus no one brought along a cam! we took quite a no. of pics.. tis would be tat kinda gathering which will occur only once or twice a yr.. =)
baby decided to get his own camera.. sigh.. not v pleased w it.. but guys r guys.. some gadgets dey die die mus get.. hopefully it will not sit toooo long in his cupboard anytime soon bah..
getting a room is making me and my mum so damn fan.. pls.. can an angel jus come down and help us get a room.. quickly and successfully.. pls..
im fatter n fatter.. hearing your comments.. made it even worse. sigh.
Photography-love (L)
Friday, August 29, 2008
hmmm.. not sure if baby is abit angry with me.. cos i played till too late again. =/ hehe.. sorry baby.. but the first part of the day at mac, allen and i had a good talk abt some stuff.. at least finally i got to talk with one of them.. really miss such times.. when we could have jus heart to heart talks.. some things he said, really brought me back to reality.. his advice helped in me making some difficult decisions.. which is really tough to make oso.. but well.. thanks to him for the advice. =)
BF was exceptionally good today.. not sure why our performance was much better.. but its a good sig.
sorry baby, that i played so late.. hope u wun be angry anymore..muacks.. love u.
Photography-love (L)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
haha... baby, when ever there's fireworks festival.. and if i dun have the tix, we can always go buy the tix ma. then we can go watch together le. =) i also like to watch with you. =)
YAY!!! i am so proud of myself!!! i finished the 21km. xD haha.. really didnt expect myself to complete it, as it was my first time clocking such a long distance. the furthest i went was 11-12km? lol. at least i didnt walk! except for the times when i was at the water point.. where the crowd was too big, and had no choice but to walk. =/ 2hrs 33mins.. not exactly a fantastic timing, but what matters was i completed it! I'm looking forward to completing in a faster timing come this yr end. =)
btw baby, your problem is my problem ma... we share everything together.. cant be when u are in need of help, i stand by the side and not do anything right? i have to help out.. thats y i am here.. to help you tide through this tough period of your life..
love you baby. =)
Photography-love (L)
tink baby slp le.. sayang baby while he slps.. muacks.. gd luck for ur run tmr morning!

was watching tis show jus now.. n i teared real badly.. its super touching.. awww..
today was not a v exciting day.. with S'pore being so small.. e places that we can go is always tat few.. met up w baby at park mall to see the cruise package thing.. both of us tinking of gg to one probably nex yr.. since both of us hv nv been on one b4.. had kfc for lunch.. met up w his frens n we went to the baby's party at yishun.. it was held in the void-deck which was kinda weird to me.. was sort of boring.. we den went back to ps.. as we really had no idea whr to go liao.. had dinner in the foodcourt and so happened saw baby's bro oso.. our initial plan was to go see the fireworks.. but e weather was still quite bad and we were kinda lazy to squeeze w ppl.. so we came back home instead.. sianz ah..
tmr gonna be a 'no plan' day oso.. anyway baby gotto run.. so he'll be tired.. jus pei him at home jiu hao le ba.. will be getting my pay in 4 days time! cant wait!...
i feel fatter n fatter each day.. i dun lyk to see my tummy big big! sigh.. wad shld i do ne.. listen to baby lor.. mus excercise.. but i super lazy leh.. how how?...
baby ah.. thank u for being der for me all tis while.. noe my family giving u alot of headache.. no room to stay la.. my mum cnt take care of herself la.. tis n tat.. but.. we'll definitely try to find a way out de.. dun hv to necessarily make our problem ur problem hao ma.. y stress urself so much ne.. i oso dun lyk.. u helped us alot le.. n i really appreciate everything..
thank you.
Photography-love (L)
Friday, August 22, 2008

tis is e second time im watching fireworks w baby..
can we watch e fireworks tgt every yr when ders a festival??? =)
fireworks finale are always the BEST..
Photography-love (L)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
feel lyk tis mth pass super fast.. i dunno y oso.. haha..
tmr gonna watch the fireworks at the platform with baby! he got the tix wor! lucky us.. dun hv to squeeze with other ppl.. =)
cant wait!
and oso cant wait for my pay... haha~
Photography-love (L)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
well.. finally got to spend sat with baby.. we actually walked frm PS to Bugis and den to Lavander to meet his parents.. had dinner at Quality Hotel to celebrate his granny's bday.. the food even thou it was vegetarian.. it was not bad.. baby den came to my hse to slp.. sun we stayed at home till ard late afternoon den we went to vivo to hv our dinner.. cldnt decide wad to eat.. so we ended up in Subway.. at the moment ders no nice movie to watch.. so ders nth much we can do oso.. Singapore is so small.. haiz..
yester' came strgt home after wrk.. jus watched tv and slack.. i planned to hv dinner with Mr San since Teachers day is ard the corner.. venue has not been confirmed.. its either Manhattan fish market or Fish & Co.. tis time rd.. der will be close to 10 of us gg.. woot! =)
today after wrk will be hving dinner at ahma's place.. gonna eat till super full agn.. haha..
finding a rental room really isnt easy.. sigh..
Photography-love (L)
Saturday, August 16, 2008
baby.. ndp is finally over.. i can finally spend saturdays with you le.. =) so happy. =) haha..
been quite some time since i could enjoy the saturdays with you..
sometimes, i really wish i can do more.. it really pains me, to see you and your family in such a situation.. i hate myself for not being able to offer any form of help. i hate myself for not being able to give you a proper house.. i hate myself for me not being able to take good care of you although i have promised you. if i could take good care of you, you wouldn't need to worry about having a roof over your head.
sometimes i just hope, i'm in the position to help. in the position to do almost everything you need. to give you everything you want. but i really cant.. and i hate myself for that. i asked myself this. why is the world so unfair? why must the kind and good people always have to go through some sort of suffering when those arrogant people can just have a life everybody else yearn for?
i really want to give you more. but i don't know how.
i really want to provide you more, but i don't know how.
i really want to do more for you and your family, but i don't know how, and i am incapable of doing so.
everything i hug you in my embrace, i think about our future. thinking of how i am going to provide for you in the future.
all these things trouble me. i am always afraid. that i will never have enough money, to get a house, give you a wedding ceremony that is unforgettable.
i don't know how, but i must learn how.
i don't know how, but i must do it.
i love you baby.
Photography-love (L)
Friday, August 15, 2008
tis will be a short blog..
went to Funan with my mgr to get her notebook..
had xiao wan mian in the foodcourt.. but i still prefer my hse der de..
bought a super expensive teh bing ($2).. n its SUPER swt tat i hv to add almost half cup of water.. b4 leaving the hotel we prayed outside the hotel becus today is e 15th.. my mgr bought cheesecake for me to eat.. =) gonna meet up with mei n my mum ltr for dinner.. now we'll depend on jasmine's dad to find us a room.. *cross fingers*
Photography-love (L)
Thursday, August 14, 2008
here i am blogging in the office again!
May is gg on holiday and Ms Chan is at a seminar..
so.. im alone till ard 5pm.. =)
its kinda boring thou cus ders no one to tok to..
but i hv alot of free time on my own! =)
later.. will be gg up on the Singapore Flyer.. cool~
haha.. will be gg with my mum n sis too one day..
now everywk will go to grandparent's hse once.. to eat ah ma's home-cooked food! yummy~
well.. gonna stress bout the rental room.. and the distance from wrk..
so hv to treasure the remaining days we hv in this current place.. cus its super near my wrkplace!
Tats all for now.. byebye.
Photography-love (L)
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Yesterday.. baby gave me this...
A Goldheart necklace!!!~

So pretty...
Thank you so much baby.. =)
Photography-love (L)
Monday, August 04, 2008
I ask myself.. Have i not done enough? Have i not sacrificed enough? Have i not made u feel welcome enough? If not, then why, why, when our relationship is coming to a landmark of 18 months, you still feel uncomfortable with my parents?
I've been persuading you, convincing you otherwise, but somehow, one way or another, you just cant seem to accept it. I don't understand, what's wrong with my parents? When did they ever look down on you, just because of your background? They are impressed with you, having being able to endure all these trials, complete your studies, and now working a full-time job. They like the way you look after my sister, although i know that you don't like to do so. They like the way you will help out at my house, automatically, without demand. Unlike others. They like your attitude and character. But why? Why do you still feel uncomfortable? My parents have tried to make you feel welcome. But i somehow feel that it is not my parents who is the obstacle. It is you yourself, erecting a mental wall within your brain, blocking everything out. Always thinking that they don't like you, when its the direct opposite.
Baby, its time to accept them. We will get married to each other sooner or later. You'll have to face them sooner or later. Lets make it sooner ok? I'm split between you two. My parents, and you. There's only one of me. I cant be at two places at one time. True, i want to spend more time with you. But they're my parents as well. I also have to spend time with them. But how can i spend time with them when i'm always with you? Are you willing to make the sacrifice by accompanying me, when i'm with them? Will you please, TRY, to accept them, for the sake of OUR relationship? I'm pleading you.
Back then, when we just started out, you told me you feel uncomfortable with them. I could understand then. But now, its already 18months, it's time you should stop giving yourself excuses whenever i ask you to come over my place for dinner, or to meet my parents. There's a certain limit to everything baby. I've made countless sacrifices for you. I believe its time for you to make some back.
Baby, perhaps, its time to stop feeling ashamed of yourself, or self-pitying yourself. Its your own mindset that is blocking my parents out. Its time you changed that mindset.
Sorry baby, if i was very direct, or straightforward. But this is really what i feel. Its already 18 months.. And there's still no change in your answer whenever i ask you to meet my parents or to join them for any activity. Even though you have promised me so in the past. Please, honor your promise, please, spare a thought for me. Please, don't let this relationship go down the drain just because of such a minor thing.
I love you baby.
Photography-love (L)