The Stories
Sunday, June 29, 2008

me sitting on an interesting sofa.. spotted at Raffles Place.. hee..
met up with des in the morning.. chit chatted and had lunch tgt.. he looked totally diff.. haha..
den met up w baby at bugis.. bought some clothes den we went vivo had Marche! (notti notti..)
we watched WANTED with Jasmine & Rio.. nice show but alittle too kua zhang.. haha.. overall pretty good movie.. =)

my wkends are over jus lyk tat.. back to wrk.. back to the routine job.. LOL..
Photography-love (L)
Friday, June 27, 2008
now its baby's turn bugging me to blog! haha~
well well..
wrking life at RV has been getting a little bored cus im starting to hv nth to do! LOL.
so im basically looking for things to do tis wk.. other den clearing the basic stuffs..
yester my senior was on leave n it felt so great.. :P she can be pretty sarcastic at times.. n sths she jus keeps wearing the 'im irritated' face.. buay tahan.
at least my mgr is always cheerful n smiling.. lyk me.. LOL..
oso yester.. celebrated xiao mei's bday at Cafe Cartel and bought this super yummy strawberry cake from Angies.. its ex but really worth the money!
baby ah.. dun feel bad bout wad happened at Parklane le.. its over.. ok?
Photography-love (L)
Monday, June 23, 2008
I'm sorry for what i have did, on Sunday. You apologise for my arm.. But i think i deserve it. I should have respected you, shouldn't have done what i have done. Maybe i scarred you emotionally. But i hope you will forgive me. What's over is over. Let us move on together, and leave it in the past.
This week was the first time i have not met up with baby for so many days.. 5 days to be exact.. by the 2nd or 3rd day i was starting to act cranky. haha. Had to try hard to focus on my studying, as i had to pass the Air Worthiness Test(AWT) no matter what. Failure to pass will result in a poor ranking, poor PB, delayed promotion and put a stainmark on my career. Lucikly for me, i passed, with the help of Allen, and 2 other WOs. Without their guidance, i guess i would be one of the failures. Well, bottomline is, i PASSED. So, lets close the chapter on that.
NDP isno longer as physical tiring as it had been. Now, its mentally tiring. Clocking 16 hours of work is crazy.. Inhumane and extremely demanding. It takes alot of willpower and mental strength to overcome it. Perhaps that is the reason behind me clocking so many sleep hours. Hah.
Anyway, thank you baby, for helping me with the food and cake for the chalet..
Love you.
Really do.
Photography-love (L)
Friday, June 20, 2008
im bloggin in the office! =p
Christine and May went out to attend a funeral..
will be alone for the next 2hrs! =)
which means.. time will pass very fast today!
ltr gonna meet xiao mei for dinner..
yester' i went kbox with nicole! we had lots of fun singing and eating! hee.. the food wasnt fantastic.. but at least edible.. LOL.. sth funny did happen yester.. baby noe le.. i oso lazy to type.. lol..
ders no freaking speaker in this com.. cant listen to music.. HAIYO.
wanna watch ANTM oso cnt.. HAIYO..
i'll jus surf the net bah..tata!
Photography-love (L)
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
finally got my shoe back! jus to replace a stupid button takes 2wks.. LOL.
yester' wanted to go for medical checkup.. the freaking clinic was closed.. DIAO.
ended up at Amara.. trimmed my hair while waiting for mummy to end work..
we walked damn far to the bus stop! LOL.
reached home rather early today.. had maggi mee (long time nv eat le) for dinner..
tmr meeting nicole after wrk.. we gonna sing K! hee..
had lunch today in RV's restaurant.. the food was not bad.. =) but the biz was very pathetic..
Photography-love (L)
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
sigh.. this whole week will be dull, boring, mundane for both me and baby.. i'll have to study everyday till thursday, and cant meet baby on these few days.. thurs nite, might be meeting my buddies out for the regular game of BF. Hah. Friday, have to do NDP fatigue.. and estimated time of departure from Suntec/Milennia is about 9pm. Saturday leh, also 8+ 9+pm. By tat time, i rather come home, then go over to baby's and have my dinner and then take a cab home.. not economically friendly leh, if i do that.
I'm sorry baby, for me not being able to meet you, accompany you, or spend time with you.. i hope you understand..
muacks.. i love you. =)
Photography-love (L)
sat i was practically home the whole day.. jus had dinner downstairs w baby.. noe he's tired.. so didnt force to meet elsewhr.. sun we caught 2 movies! 'Kungfu Panda' and 'Incredible Hunk'.. we managed to control ourselves frm eating GOOD food.. *phew*
thot wont meet up w baby today.. but turned out.. i still met him at ard 9pm.. =)
had supper with his frens at Henderson.. the porridge was not bad.. another place for supper in future! =)
Photography-love (L)
Monday, June 16, 2008
Day Off today, but i dun think i'll get to meet baby today.. Sigh..
Baby's been very patient with me wor! though she knows that i'm super tired.. and i get irritated and pek chek easily when i'm tired..
we've been together for 16months, and baby nv fail to surprise me from time to time.. hehe.. thank you baby!!
muacks. love you..
sorry for the short post.. brain haven wake up yet.. haha.. i jus wake up only.. >.<
Photography-love (L)
Saturday, June 14, 2008
work has been pretty routine..
but ders sth new to learn everyday..
and it seems tat im very slow in clearing the annual leave forms! *die*
i'll laugh till i drop without fail when im wrking with May..
and tats gd! i really laugh till my stomach hurts and my eyes tear.. OMG..
her laughter is SO ticklish!
in RVH for 2wks le.. so far pretty ok.. =)
today celebrated our 16th anni.. 1 day earlier..
had Jack's Place! the food was pretty gd.. thou my dear baby nagged alittle.. but its ok la..
Photography-love (L)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Its been a while since i last blogged.. and its been a crazy week. crazy in terms of workload, mental stress, physical tiredness.. 1 week of AWT revision. sounds simple, yet its so tough.. taxing on both the brain and body.. for the first time, in my air force time, i am attending a course, and i never ever closed my eyes to take a short nap before. perhaps its my interest in this field, or perhaps i feel pressured, or perhaps i just want to do well for this AWT test.. All these factors contribute to me staying awake throughout the whole week of lessons.. However boring or mono they are.
NDP Fatigue is getting more and more taxing. we have to feed more and more people, carry more and more stores, prepare more and more ration points for them, and distribute the rations to them efficiently and effectively. the number of mouths we have to feed keep increasing, but our manpower is stagnant. 10 Changi Air Base people, producing the effectiveness of 20odd people. Perhaps its the excellent leadership, constant prep talk, detailed SODBs, that make us mentally prepared for what's coming up next.. But this thing will just get crazier. Imagine. 9000bottles of Newater bottles to be collected from Nee Soon Camp, loaded to 5tonner, sent over to Marina Bay, to load into the Air-Con container, then when Saturday comes, we unload all to the 5 tonner again, bring over to the actual site, then, unload from the 5tonner down to the parade area. That isn't all. this week alone, we have 150 bottles of 25litres POLAR water to load. And all these stores, are just for this Saturday. Imagine, how tiring it will be. Sigh.
Went to Hazwan's BBQ on friday, met a few new faces. I'll be perfectly honest to myself, and you, my dearest girl. I'm a normal guy. Guys' eyes will always stray around. Yes, i'll admit i'll look at good-looking girls. But i've always drawn a very clear cut line. I'll
ONLY admire from afar. That's the most i will do. I wil never ever make any move. Reason being, i know my feelings very clearly, i know my heart very clearly, i know who i want, who i love, and who i need. The person is always you, Gloria Goh.. I know sometimes u might get jealous over me looking at other girls, but my reassurance to you is that, You're the Only One for Me. No one else can occupy your space in my heart. No other girl can come between us.
I'm just saying all these, because i don't want you to have any other sort of unhealthy ideas or thinking. Friends are friends, and will always remain as friends. You, are my girlfriend, and my future wife. No one will ever replace you.
Hugs and Kisses. I love you baby.
Just a few more days, and its our 16th month anniversary together. Time flies. And i cant imagine how my past 16 months would be, if i didnt know you. Maybe its too late, but i'll just want to say this anyway.
Thank you for coming into my life my dear.
I Love You.
Photography-love (L)
Sunday, June 08, 2008
today is the 5th day in RVH le.. had to go back for ONLY 3 hrs today..
the alternate Sat is jus weird.. cus i only managed to clear the punch card today during the 3 hrs and nothing else..
work has been ok so far.. no complains.. and of cus NO SALES TARGET!
the ppl ard maybe of a certain age.. between 30-50 years old de.. but ok lar.. not that bad.. still can talk.. May (Senior HR) has been very nice to me.. and i really appreciate it.. Christine (HR Mrg) is a very flexible person which is gd! lunch break with her can be as long as 2 hrs de.. haha..
and i get to end work ON THE DOT. exactly at 6pm.. we'll be infront of the punchcard machine.. LOL..
baby had to go to marina bay today for his duty.. he's VERY tired.. slept here for 2hrs.. heehee..
Photography-love (L)
Sunday, June 01, 2008
fri was my last day in RE..
took a couple of pics with my team members..
gave dem the presents i bought..
had dinner @ Uma Uma Men near city hall..
the food was not really nice.. wont visit der der agn.. n its ex lor.. wth..
sat went to celebrate KW's bday @ Sakae Sushi @ Changi T2..
the food was gd.. the function room was great.. the bday cake was yummy..
overall it was a very gd experience! hanged out with dem till 7.30pm den went meet baby..
pei baby had dinner @ vivocity's kolomee..
today baby reached my hse 9am.. went to run and swim with kelvin..
came back, we slept till 4.30.. LOL!
went downstairs had dinner with Rio and Jasmine..
den both of us went town walk walk..
was fun jus window shopping thou.. =)
each of us had a donut too!
tmr gg to brg Nevian to Science Centre..
i oso v long nv been der le.. =)
Photography-love (L)