The Stories
Friday, May 30, 2008
yo. sorry baby.. didnt had the time to blog the past few days..
been really busy.. u know abt it oso ma. =X
sigh. NDP is getting more and more tiring.. really tired. sorry, i cant really spend time with u this week.. will try to find time for you more often ok?
muackx love you..
(sorry, i dunno wad to blog abt) =(
Photography-love (L)
Thursday, May 29, 2008
ok.. baby has not been blogging recently..
naughty naughty..
yester' was my grad day!
had lotsa fun taking lots of photo.. with whoever i noe.. dun care whether close not.. haha..
gonna upload the nice nice pics the moment i get it from baby..
not gg to meet baby tonite n tmr nite..
gotto go source for presents for the perm staffs man..
tmr most prob hving dinner with the temps.. shld be sakae sushi bah.. =)
farewell for me and lynn.. =)
3 days break den starting wrk on Tues..
ltr can go walk walk and shop! hee..
Photography-love (L)
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
my eyes lyk wanna close.. haha.. i sent out 2 CVs le! lol..
im slpyyyyyyyyyy...
didnt slp well last nite.. the freaking bed damn uncomfortable.. slp on the floor better lor..
tmr is grad day le..
not including today.. 2 more working days to the end of my emplyment in RE..
cant wait!
Photography-love (L)
addicted to America's Next Top Model Cycle 10..
guess i'll jus be watching tat for the rest of the days..
ohmy.. heard a very shocking thing today.. but i guess it wont affect me at all since im leaving..
it3 is gonna split.. sigh.. kinda sad actually since i was used to be part of the small but strong team.. nevertheless.. i'll look forward to having my own desk to wrk at @ river view.. =)
gotto slp le.. sigh.. my mum old le.. alot of sickness.. now she cant slp cus of the pain in her ankle.. dunno wads wrg.. sigh..
Photography-love (L)
Monday, May 26, 2008
haha.. gg to be lunch break soon..
im slacking..
mind sort of switched off knowing that this is my last wk in the company..
i sent out ONE resume! haha.. better den nth le lor.. haha.. cus now i send out oso no point..
it wont be my sales anyway.. for the contract positions i mean.. so i shall slack alittle and wait for this wk to pass.. wed is grad day.. thus, it will be a fast wk!
Looking forward to working at River View even thou the appearance of the Hotel abit old la.. but who cares.. most imptly is i lyk the job.. =)
wed after grad will be shopping day for me! haha.. gonna buy clothes for new job.. oh well.. in River View i'll get to save ALOT on my meals since lunch is provided.. gd gd!
dunno wads up after wrk today.. most prob will meet my dear baby..
he's gg for 2 runs in the coming months.. wow.. impressed with baby.. but must finish the run no matter wad hor! =)
Photography-love (L)
Sunday, May 25, 2008

we had dinner at T3's Popeyes..
its more ex den b4.. wonder izit the same price at T1..
was looking for the logo of Popeyes.. den i came across ppl commenting on Arnold at City Plaza and saying its nice..
shall go try it some day k baby!
seems lyk baby is gonna fall sick.. baby mus strong strong k! noe u will be alrite de! muacks..
Photography-love (L)
Saturday, May 24, 2008
one more wk to go in RE!
yester' was kayla, kelly and rosie's last day in RE..
so we had a farewell dinner with dem at PS Cafe Cartel..
baby came PS find me.. he caught another soft toy for me! thank u baby.. next time dun catch le k.. he bought the moisturizer from Body Shop for me.. thank u baby..
otw back home.. we sort of had an argument.. =( ur decision bah..
today baby's involved in ndp fatigue agn.. today will end ltr..
so i'll meet him only at 8pm.. wah.. meet him so late.. i dun wanna go back so early liao.. but i wonder he'll hv car to drive not..
jus watched one jap drama.. 1st episode.. the robot so swt! lol..
but really lah.. haha.. now gg to watch 200 pounds beauty.. very long nv watch le..
mite blog ltr if i sian.. =) tata~
Photography-love (L)
Friday, May 23, 2008
baby!!! i'm sorry! had to let you wait for the second night in a row till abt 12+ before you could sleep.. know you are very tired.. muackx!
love you though! muacks!!!
Photography-love (L)
Thursday, May 22, 2008
haiyo.. baby send me back ard 11plus.. now he's still under the blk toking to Rio..
^shake head^
im waiting for him to get home de lor.. and im tired..
tmr is thurs.. FAST.. short wk..
tmr wed grad.. another SHORT wk.. SHIOCK!
tinking whether to get my degree in SHRI not..
well.. i shall call the person and get more info first!
went to baobei's hse today after wrk..
now i cant imagine gg home by public transport frm his hse..
lyk damn far.. so had to wait for the car to be back..
had a little craving to drink hot choc jus now.. luckily late liao.. lol..
im gonna lie down.. muacks.
Photography-love (L)
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
you know baby, i never regret giving u my ex's blog to read.. i mean.. i can accept your past.. and i believe you can accept mine too. true i might have being mean last time.. but i think you can judge for yourself.. have i been mean to you, on my part? you should know the answer better than me.. and i have confidence in you and myself that the answer is a immediate positive..
its good that you finally realised some stuff, by your own.. i didnt want to tell you through my mouth.. cos i believe that the things you find out buy yourself will stick by your side for a much longer time than you listening to what i have to say.. i've been patient with you, been waiting, been sure that you will finally realise it.. it shows.. the amount of confidence i have in you.. like i'm so sure you wouldn't leave me for another guy when i was in tekong.. or like, i know that you will always be there for me, rain or shine, supporting my decisions..
sometimes you should think about what your mother have said.. "when he finally leave you, you'll cry..." sometimes, i do feel being taken for granted.. i really don't like that feeling.. i hate being taken for granted.. dislike being pinched and poked at times.. especially when we're in public, or in front of other people.. i just don't like to portray out my weaknesses out in public.. its a real image spoiler. really.
i hope baby, you will realise all these things bah.. hopefully, our relationship will be stronger..
i love you..
Photography-love (L)
yo baby..
its 1.15am..
and ur dear baby here is still super wide awake! LOL~
i ended up slping from 3pm-6pm.. den i washed up and went marina sq walk walk..
didnt buy anything.. good girl! =p
mummy bought Asian Kitchen's food for me.. yummy..
today e time passed v fast.. becus i fall aslp in the afternoon la! haha~
well.. i tink i better try to go slp.. if not tmr will be v tired..
meeting bao bei at AMK tmr.. wonder wad we gonna hv for dinner..
everytime meet him oso must fan wad to eat.. haiyo.. haha!
gd nite my dear..
Photography-love (L)
Monday, May 19, 2008
friday nite wanted to go eat Indo Chine.. in the ended we had bbq chicken at cine..
the food was not bad.. but e portion alittle too small.. bought a sch bag for xiao mei oso..
sat we went NP collect my grad gown den we had lunch in megabites.. baby was very full after eating the western food oso.. haha.. worth the money! proceeded back home to wait for time to pass.. evening time, we went over to allen's hse for his bday celebration.. after tat.. we went east coast.. n baby caught this two soft toy for me with only $3!!! so smart!
sun we went PS watched "What happen in Vegas".. nice show.. den we met up with Rio and Jasmine for dinner.. had Pizza Hut.. After tat, we went Indo Chines to chill out.. the atmosphere was great.. but alittle stuffy lar.. his frens ordered food, and it all looked so nice.. gonna go der one day just to eat! =)

today=vesak day
either slack at home/go out walk walk..
hmm... the ans shld be...
Photography-love (L)
Saturday, May 17, 2008
we might have minor quarrels along the way, but every couple will have their own fair share of quarrels.. however, the really strong couples will come out of the quarrels unscathed, and their love for each other will be even stronger..
our relationship is getting stronger day by day.. quarrel or no quarrel, argument or no argument, meeting up or not, i still love you. and i know you still do.
muackx baby. i promise.. from now on, i'll try my best to remember our anniversaries.. but to be fair to me, i'll jus elaborate slightly more on why i nv really go remember the past few months'... baby, although i know its important to celeb our anniversaries together, i think its more important to celebrate the really important ones.. like V day, which's our yearly anniversary, and every july's anniversary, as tat's my bdae.. i mean.. sometimes its hard to keep track of how many months, as after the first year of us being together, the more important anniversary to look out for is our next milestone, the 2nd year one.. but then, no excuses, i'll still remember the dates!!! and i'll be the faster one to wish you happy anniversary! cos i cherish this relationship, and i dun wan such incidents to stain our relationship...
Photography-love (L)
Thursday, May 15, 2008

First soft toy baby single handedly caught for me.
thanks alot baby..
Photography-love (L)
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
15 mth anni have to end this way..
a minnie mouse and a black face.
Photography-love (L)
Ok, now that i know today is the 14th,
HAPPY 15TH MONTH ANNIVERSARY BABY!!!Muackx!! Thanks for always being by my side, always loving me, always touching me with all the small little things you do, always doting on me and sometimes surprising me along the way with gifts i never expect.
It has been a wonderful past 15 months.. and to think about it, it really didnt feel a wee bit like 15 months.. i mean i've enjoyed myself so much for like what? 15 months?? unbelieveable! It left like 15 days to me! Thanks baby, for giving me such a wonderful and memorable 15 months..
Really hope, and wish that we will spend many more months, years, together.. I look at Kelvin and Joy, and imagine myself and you in their shoes. Haha.. Young and loving couple.. Just like us. Lets not let such mundane obstacles like monetary problems, or housing problems overwhelme us baby.. Lets overcome them together ok baby? We are a couple. We are together. Couples stick with each other through thick and thin. Couples will not give up on each another. Couples do not let such obstacles obstruct their progress. We will stand tall together, and overcome all these problems. We will tackle them one by one, till all of them are settled.. Baby, that's what i am here for, thats the reason why i appeared in your life.. To make a difference to your life, to make a positive impact on your life.. To change your life for the better.. Although i can only help you to a certain limit at times, i will still source for other alternatives for you. For you to lead a good life, a happy life.. Because you are my baby. You are my loved one. And. You are the only girl i have in my heart. All these reasons are good enough for me to always stay by your side, supporting you, helping you, and looking out for you.
I Love You, Baby.
Hugs, and Kisses.Your beloved baby, Nivel Lim.
Photography-love (L)
Monday, May 12, 2008

Work life will begin here..
All the best Gloria! jia you jia you!
Photography-love (L)
but at least its SETTLED.
SIGNED at river view..
starting work 3rd June..
RE last day 2nd June..
RE's work shop and fun day was pretty interesting..
treat is as a form of experience for me bah..
short 3 months temp but i managed to experience new things.

Photography-love (L)
wooo.. we finally finished doing up the photo album together! haha.. quite alot of hard work and money put into it.. well, at least we enjoyed the process rite baby? went over to kel's house yest.. to do up the album, and watched the final episodes of The OC together.. well.. the ending sucked big time. =X wasnt what we were hoping for.. hah. slept with baby for a while.. wad was meant as a 1 hour nap stretched to 2 and a half hours.. haha.. what to do? i was too damn tired.. from the previous days.. tired at work, tired after work, cos i had to help baby move her things over.. tired at ndp.. not enough sleep and all that.. haha.. at least now i feel much better.. though i do have a bad running nose.. >.<
anyway, hope baby will tell RE about her decision today.. she cant afford to drag telling them anymore.. else it will just get worst.. sigh.. hope all goes well..
Photography-love (L)
Sunday, May 11, 2008
3rd day settled down in kelvin's hse..
so far so gd..
the place is cooling and e view is not bad..
rental maybe alittle ex.. but to tink tat der r 3 ppl staying.. its ok bah..
wed & thurs, dear n me were bz shifting the stuff here..
fri we relaxed.. haha..
yester' we had marche for dinner! THANKS BABY..
today we spent e whole day here..
so gd to be able to spend quality time with my baby..
tmr gonna be e day i tell RE bout my decision and evening i'll be gg to river view to sign e letter of appointment.. can't wait.
Photography-love (L)
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
1 and a half days time.. i'll be out of this hse.. dun hv to face my aunty..
my cousins and my uncle are perfectly ok.. the problem jus lies with her.. wadever..
today we shifted our things over to kelvin's hse.. everything was done ard 10.15pm.. den went for a drink n alittle supper..
Photography-love (L)
yup! tats my FIRST present for baby's 21st bday...
next few days gonna be hectic! shifting hse!!!
will be damn tired.. but nvm.. got baby to help me..
thx for ur help bao bei..muacks..
Photography-love (L)
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
today, baby secured herself another job.. at Riverview Hotel, as a HR personnel.. dunno wad's the correct term.. haha.. so proud of her la! ppl like my baby alot!! haha.. hope baby will settle down and love this job.. and work long ba.. at least its something baby enjoys..
anyway, today, baby surprised me with one of my 21st birthday presents!!! so happy!! haha.. i wanted the Sean John Unforgivable perfume for ages.. and baby finally bought for me.. Thank you baby! know it cost quite a bomb.. but.. =( still, thank you! i really love it!!! hehe.. muackx!
Below are some pictures of it.. =)
the pink wrapping paper.. the one which i knew was from Sasa from the first look.. heh..

mysterious black box.. containing the bottle i craved for eons..

Dimly lit liquid..

Spotlight on the Star of the moment

Lastly, the contents.. the perfectly customized holder, and the precious little black bottle..
Photography-love (L)
sundaybaby cooked mee goreng for me! nice nice!.. we rot thruout the afternoon and when we thot we were gg suntec to eat korean food.. we ended up at changi village w his family.. was quite sudden but at least e food was gd.. was discussing bout whether to go to wrk today..
mondayearly this morning.. i decided im not gg.. lol.. was difficult to fake my way thru.. but i managed to do it anyway.. n i saved on my MC.. baby oso off.. so i went to his hse n did mr san's video lor.. had dinner w his family agn.. till damn full..
gg for my 2nd round interview with river view hotel tmr.. wish me LUCK!!!love you my dear.. muackz..
Photography-love (L)
Sunday, May 04, 2008
baby! thanks for making my day today.. hmmm, wad should i say? u really tried to make me happy? really surprised me here and there.. hehe.. all these small surprises are wat tat spices up our relationship, preventing it from becoming dull and routine.. like, my fashion sense.. haha.. jus bought 2 tops, actually, 2 singlets... in a attempt to change my outook.. heh.. hope it will be ok! hope baby will like my new "style".. haha..
baby i love you! cant wait to spend our sundays together.. tats when we really have quality, undisturbed time for ourselves... heh.. love you baby! muackx!
Photography-love (L)
Saturday, May 03, 2008
e nite b4 labour's day.. der were lots of misunderstandings between us.. well.. im tat type who doesnt lyk to talk bout things(bout our relationship) tat has alrdy happened.. noe its not gd..
labour day: spent half e day in Tiong Bahru Plaza.. =P had rajar inn for lunch.. watched iron man.. its NICE! den went Geylang had Bak Kut Teh.. was not bad.. but too much garlic for my liking.. seriously a public holiday shldnt fall on a thurs.. cus fri still nd to go back n wrk! btw.. Jasmine & Rio bought us a couple top.. nice nice.. =)
fri=today.. wanted e day to pass quickly.. was looking at e damn clock every half hr.. cus nth much to do today.. no pipelines for the nex mth.. (tats bad).. but anyway.. have my own clients now.. hope it will be slightly better bah.. need to telemarket soon.. shit la.. sigh.. dun wanna continue but nd to do all tis crap.. today during meetin, CEO asked some weird qns.. well.. im leaving..but i cant be obvious.. rite?
Met up with my dear baby after wrk.. had dinner at MP den went to collect some boxes cus i shifting out soon.. noe baby dun lyk e idea of shifting der.. baby.. i promise it will be a temporary thing.. ok? at least trust me hao ma? we had starbucks b4 coming back! haha.. FAT le.. and baby's gonna say i only noe how to eat, slp, eat, slp.. lol.. quite true la.. can feel tat im alittle fatter.. sigh.. which is VERY BAD actually.. GLORIA! wake up ur idea!
gg back to work tmr to administor contract.. wah.. big sacrifice to go back tmr.. once done..i'll leave n come back home pack up e remaining things.. shifting out tis fri.. fast! nex sat nd to attend e STUPID fun day thing.. sigh.. starts so early.. i really dun feel lyk waking up 7 for tis stupid thing on a SATURDAY! n e day b4 will be e day i jus shift in..wth.. SIGH.
slpy.. gg to slppppp.. frens gg off to bangkok tmr.. i oso wanna go on hol..
Photography-love (L)
Thursday, May 01, 2008
"for the past 11 months and 3 days... day after day, i grew to cherish u more, more as a person, more as a girlfriend, more as a girl... if you ask me now, have i loved you more than before, when i just met you, the answer is a definite YES. It might seem slow, but i know, and feel that you are changing, for the better, for my sake.. I often think and believe that i love you for who you are, not what is around you, or not your family, or not anything else. its only YOU in my eyes.. thus, no matter what happens, whether you have your own home or not, or whether your family is in financial problems or not, i will still be there, always by your side, or always a phone call away, when i'm at work. I'll still be there, for you. I don't care what people think, what people say, what people assume, i'm just glad to have you in my life.. And i will never ever leave you, for any of such silly reasons. You changed my perception on love, changed my life.. For the better. I don't know why i am posting this, and i have no ulterior motive in posting all these, because, all i just want to say is, i really cherish you, my dear baby, my darling Gloria.. I really love you, and i really don't know how else can i express my love for you.There's only a limit of what money can do, what money can buy, but to me, happiness, and love, are 2 things that can never be bought.. I rather be a poor pauper and am still with you, than be a rich man, and be alone. To me, i rather live my life being poor, as long as i can pamper you, buy you the things you want, to make you happy.. Seeing you smile, and appreciating what i got for you is priceless.. You, to me, is priceless as well.. Do you, feel the same way as i do baby? I love you baby, and lets count down to our 1 year together. I promise, it will be a extremely unforgettable experience. Love, Nivel Baby, as you always call me.. (Or Nivel Lim when you're angry with me) =P"posted on 17th Jan 08.Baby, u have to remember that we are together cos we love each other.. u have to know tat i dun mind ur family, ur background, ur past.. we are together now. we only care about the present and the future ok? u've never ever made me feel stressed when i'm with you.. irritated yes, but stress, no. i love you baby... i hope u will read the above entry again, and let it re-emphasise my feelings for u..
Photography-love (L)