The Stories
Friday, February 29, 2008
Im currently watching this show..
Hello! Miss...

Funny! haha~
Photography-love (L)
Baby downloaded this games for me!

Thx alot baby.. mafan ni le.. =) muacks.
counting down to e day i start wrk.. THREE DAYS.
Photography-love (L)
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Don't think so much..

will always be there for you.
Photography-love (L)
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
sigh baby.. i'm worried sick.. pls call me as soon as possible. i hate it when such things happen.. i always cant seem to be with you, and i always cant contact you.. baby. pls call me!!!
Photography-love (L)
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
well.. it didn't took us very long to get in.. n we got to see the black knights perform.. love the part whr dey formed a heart.. someone proposed to his gf when e heart was completed la! *sweet*
the exiting part was SCARY.. limo at $45! wth. we decided to take e normal cab after seeing e bus queue.. DAMN scary.. had our 'tea break' (supposed to be lunch) at changi n den we proceeded to baby's hse.. late at nite.. we found a place tat sells HOT porridge.. baby v happy.. haha..
was supposed to meet mummy n my grandparents for dinner de.. but the waiting time in between was too long n i didnt wanna go home.. so i met baby at tamp n we watched kungfu dunk.. weird ending.. but wad to do.. shows r lyk tis.. haha.. but overall e show was pretty funny.. we laughed a couple of times..
Before tat.. met angela n mich in town.. chit chatted n had lunch for awhile..

Will be meeting dione ltr.. gg to anchorpoint see clothes n shoes.. cant buy.. so see see lor.. =) anyway nth to do at home oso..
muacks baby.
love u..
Photography-love (L)
Saturday, February 23, 2008
last nite my stomach pain dao.. i felt lyk crying.. nv lyk tat b4.. scary wor.. morning wake up.. my voice gone liao.. drank liang teh and some chi medicine my aunty bought for me.. had porridge for lunch.. will be meeting baby ltr.. wonder wad time ah.. cus seems lyk he hvn started skating.. will go expo and tamp walk walk.. sian ah.. singapore so small.. haha.. no whr to go liao.. i wanna get another wrking bag.. =p see how bah..
witch yoo hee finishing le..
gonna start another korean drama soon!
Photography-love (L)
haha.. was supposed to go to temple de.. i waked up lor! and prepared myself to go! changed hao everything le.. but then.. at the very last minute.. SHIT. stomach pain. so i faster ran to the toilet.. to shit.. then i came out... took my bag.. abt to leave.. oh shit. PAIN again! omg.. then i ran back to the toilet again.. so.. i tot it will always continue.. then i called my mum.. to tell her i think i diarrhea.. cant make it to go temple le.. sigh.. i really wanted to go one lor! but then after i put down the phone.. and came out.. ehhhh my stomach hao le. -.- WTH la! and i really wanted to go to the temple somemore. SIGH! mei yuan ah!!!
Photography-love (L)
Today marks the end of my poly yrs in Ngee Ann..
The next time I enter the sch will be graduation day..
Time flies.. at least i know wad i was doing in Yr 1 & Yr 3.. but im totally clueless as to how I passed my Yr 2.. lol.. anyway its all OVER..
Wrking life is ahead of me.. and i will seriously missed studying.. sigh.. if i can.. i want to go UNI! Well, wrk starts in a wks time.. n Details had unofficially 'sacked' me.. so im basically free the whole of next wk.. will give myself a GOOD rest b4 i start wrk.. =) by watching korean dramas.. :O
baby ended wrk early today.. i was shocked when he said he ended le..
we went to eat e nice nice kway chap.. wanted to watch movie but e timing wasnt right.. we ended up walkin ard PS..
things i bought today..
1) wrking bag $10
2) maybelline mascara $10.90
3) ebase wrking skirt $12
4) daiso pouch $2
cheap cheap.. happy happy.. but gonna be SOOO broke..
details pay nex mth will be SO MISERABLE..
gotto borrow money from ah-bu le..
well.. im not feeling well.. sore throat! irritating! n period! SUAY~
Photography-love (L)
Thursday, February 21, 2008
boo! a few days nv blog le.. haha..
anyway, i am posted to Changi Air Base, after completing my course in AFS/AETI/RC. Glad that the whole class managed to pass and all are going to their respective bases without needing to head back to AFS for a retest! Dunno should i be happy or sad that i'm posted to CAB. haha. well, lets see how life will be like in there! i promise to myself, that i must do my best! get QST fast and dun be so guai lan le! haha.. jus try to ren whatever they throw at me.. and accept. guess i should really look into my character. =X
anyways, i'm missing baby's daring adventures! hope to be able to see/ experience more of such adventures soon.. =)
Photography-love (L)
hello my dear!
haha~ not tat im so free tat i blog k..
i did revised thru my test.. n twice!
2 more times ltr b4 i zzz..
morning's pp was pretty simple.. i messed up one qn.. totally forgot der was tis format.. n i got study lar! *faint* but my ans were here n der.. so ok lar..
tmr is e ultimate pp.. lol.. ms soh is always setting chim chim qn de..
received my testimonial from ms soh today..
only one word to describe, 'WAH'.. haha.. nice to read ah..
i totally forgot bout my commission pay.. until baby reminded me.. so i was in bugis.. i went to see hv not lor.. den tadah! i collected my $$$.. hee..
nd to go find tailor alter my wrking pants..
bought a black skirt today..
looking forward to eating kuay chap at tpy w baby tmr!
cya tmr baby! =)
Photography-love (L)
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
first time im home e WHOLE DAY..
i've revised thru lyk 3 times? lol.. tink more den enuf..
trying to memorise e ones for fri's pp.. more diff..
i had prawn mee(soup) for lunch.. not bad lar.. but not as nice as e siemens centre de.. baby when brging me go eat! dinner ne.. i had mac's chicken foldover.. hee.. my aunty paid for it.. yummy yummy.. lol..
baby now playing BF2.. rite? haha..
dun tink will meet him actually.. rather he go home early rest since tmr first day at base..
okok.. back to studying.. *sianz*
Photography-love (L)
baby today last day in air force sch le..
he said ppl al disturbing.. end up cnt slp.. poor boy..
baby posted to changi air base.. he nv go paya lebar de he happy liao.. haha..
i revised thru for tmr's pp le.. gonna read thru two more times.. den at nite read up shrm..
3 days wont see baby.. get to meet him on fri only lor..
wrk is starting SOON.. haha..
muacks baby..
psst. witch yoo hee v nice to watch..
Photography-love (L)
When you love someone, it's something. When someone loves you, it's another thing. When you love the person who loves you back, it's everything.

Love isn't finding the perfect person, it is finding the imperfect person and seeing how they are perfect.
Photography-love (L)
Sunday, February 17, 2008
time flies. it really flies. i feel as if, 14th feb 2007 was just a week ago, but in actual fact, it has been more than 1 year.. i couldn't feel that 1 year have passed. perhaps, its the reason that i really enjoyed myself thoroughly throughout the previous year. thus it did not appear lengthy..
much have happened in the past 1 year.. be it, sad, happy, joyous, cheerful, tearful, we have weathered through them, together as one. we may have had arguments, minor quarrels, major quarrels, but each time, i believe, our love for each other have never wavered. in fact, it was cos of the love we have for each other that we end up quarrelling at times.. me caring too much for you, unhappy that you go home late, or me worried you will be too tired, and restricting the frequency of which you work.. or your love for me, like how u resisted the idea of me joining my buddies to some late night gaming.. and how you relented in the end, bcos you knew that that was what i really wanted, and u decided to sacrifice slightly, and let me join them for some fun..
the past year, was full of ups and downs.. but never once, have i regretted being with you. never once have i thought that its just my luck for knowing you, and never once have i regretted being with you, despite your family problems. i've changed. i've stood up as a man, like i should, instead of cowing away from such problems as i did earlier in my previous relationships. perhaps, it was cos i could really feel a connection with you. a real strong connection. a connection that has never weakened, after 1 year.. but has in fact, strengthened.. strengthened to such a extent that i can feel that you, have in fact decided to open up more to me.. and it's precisely becos of such happenings that really spice up our relationship, and keep our relationship going strong...
you have always done me proud, always standing by my side, always providing a listening ear to my problems, though you don't really understand what is going on at times, but you really try to listen.. this, i really appreciate.. thank you. now, you have found a new job, a full time job, and i'm sure you will do me proud once again, and not disappoint me. you have the potential to earn more than me, and i really hope you will.
there were times, when i misunderstood your feelings, and blamed you for what happened, but after you told me of what was going on, i really understood, i really can feel, how much you really care for me, how much you really love, and cherish the things i have done for you.. though there are times when you don't show it to me.. you crying when you realised that the gift i worked so hard on malfunctioned... you cutting out and designing 100 hearts, and writing on each and every one of them, a different reason on why you love me so much. you really touched me.. and i have never felt this way before.. and, you surprising me at home the other time, with the things you have done, which i never ever dreamed or expected that you will do such stuff, really showed that you really want to show how much you appreciate me, how much you love always seeking my opinion first before doing anything, really showed that you at least respected me as a boyfriend, a partner..
to me, it is really because of such small things that made our relationship this strong, and i will never ever allow our relationship to deteriorate.. i hope we can always maintain this relationship as a very strong one.
darling, i want you to know that throughout the past 1 year, i have really enjoyed every second, every minute of my life, as i know that you are always by my side, and no where else. this shall be our first year anniversary together, and it will never be our last.
how i wish, that there are more than these 3 words to tell you how i feel for you, but sadly, there are none. I Love You, Baby. Words cannot describe my feelings for you fully, and neither can words describe our relationship. Only actions can, and i will continue to use my actions to show you how much i really love you.
Loving you eternally,
Nivel Lim
Photography-love (L)
Friday, February 15, 2008
1 Year Anniversary & Valentine's Day
Presents from baby.. i love all of it!

Presents I gave baby.. Hope he lyks it!

Enjoyed ourselves at Kuishin-Bo.. Even thou the choices of food were limited.. it was really yummy! the snow crab n teppanyaki was indeed great! i will go der agn!
as a recruitment consultant in Recruit Express..
basic may be low..
but the incentives is really WOW!
der are individual n team incentives..
gloria must JIA YOU!
youngest in the team so must piah!
Photography-love (L)
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
yester' n today, me n baobei met up to study! so hardwrking.. hee..
e korean food at suntec is NICE.. haha..
tmr its V-DAY..
n most importantly..
its our 1 year anniversary!!!
love u baby..
*excited to see the presents u made for me
*excited to try out the food we gonna eat tmr
Photography-love (L)
Sunday, February 10, 2008

Our dinner today was at Yan Palace..
i enjoyed myself n e dinner was good..
first time hving a 9 course meal with baobei.. *smiles*
lyk e feeling of baby beside me but my baby machiam waiter! lol..
afternoon went to ken's n des's hse to bai nian..
i wanna play somemore mahjong!!! =(
muacks baby..
Photography-love (L)
Saturday, February 09, 2008
thanks baby, for today. it really really made my day, and really made what i have done for the past year worth it. really love it. thanks darling.
muackx. i love you forever baby.
may our love go on strong till the end of time.
Photography-love (L)
Friday, February 08, 2008

tats us making stupid faces at tiong bahru's KFC..
baby queue for half an hr to buy e food lar! *faint..
went to his hse bai nian, had lunch tgt w his family in e hse.. e soup was superb!
den we rush to tiong bahru but e queue was oso damn long.. so in e end we slacked in kfc..
went to ah ma's hse bai nian ltr part..
tat's all! lol..
muacks baby..
tink u'll always rmb today! =p
Photography-love (L)
Thursday, February 07, 2008
today is pictures time!
but wait! happy chinese new year!!!! let's welcome e yr of the RAT!!!
was out half of e day w xiao mei..

she was so engrossed in playing lar! even thou i was queuing up to use e atm..

it has LIGHT BROWN mini pearls! oh my freaking god! it was so damn disgusting!

tis pair of shoes my xiao mei want cost only $9.90! faint*
at chinatown....

see the no. of pple! we were NEXT to the fire crackers!!!

two BIG bags of Mua Ji.. lol..

a quick snapshot with my mummy dearest.. *my hair is messy cus of the wind!
Photography-love (L)
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
PHEW!!!! a HUGE sigh of RELIEF man! haha... was so gan jiong.. scared i couldnt meet the 12:30 deadline set by baby... baby, i really touched today... u really showed that u really cared for me today.. cos u forbade me from going to play LAN with my bunch of crazy friends.. u really wanted me to go home early, and rest early.. i'm really touched wor! shows that baby really DOES care, though she seldom say it out.. hehe! =)
love you wor baby, thanks for allowing me to go play with them, i really enjoyed myself thoroughly, though it was a hasty affair..hehx... i'm so proud of myself!!! managed to keep my calm, and keep making baby laugh at me though she really was angry with me.. haha!!! baby so funny la! xD
muackx! love you darling!
Photography-love (L)
Monday, February 04, 2008
went to 'trim' my hair.. baby cldnt see any diff.. he oso trimmed his hair.. waited for xiao mei to come pr den we went tamp to buy clothes.. in e end, bought 2 shirts and one pair of shoes for her.. me n baby den went to airport T3's mac to study.. its a gd place to study cus its quiet! den off we went to his hse.. celebrated his father's bday den back at home, celebrated devin's bday.. didnt noe their bday fall on e same day.. actually is the direct opposite of my bday.. mine is 2/3 while theirs is 3/2.. hee..
baby overslept! so RSO.. accied me to kelly services.. e person we talked to me was really nice n understanding.. hope he can find me a job bah! haha.. now feel lyk taking up sales job.. customer service? dunno lar.. lyk earn much more but oso more stress.. haha.. den we went to his hse.. slept for lyk 4hrs? long wor! had instant pizza for dinner tgt w the hashbrowns.. save money!
both of us keep playin worms2 lar! haha..
thx for downloading games for me wor baby..
Photography-love (L)
Sunday, February 03, 2008
baby lyk worried i wont lyk e presents he's doing for me..
baby ah.. i will lyk wadeva u do for me de.. u put in so much hardwork.. i hvn receive it oso feel touched le.. dun tink so much k baby.. thot i can study tmr.. but den it's ur father's bdae.. so i dun tink we'll hv e time to study le..
bought some stuff today while baby bought his new year clothes n haivanas slippers.. surprised tat baby bought e slippers actually.. guys hor.. buy things super fast.. wow.. gals lyk me.. so mafan!
met up with his gan jie to return the blazer oso.. had dinner tgt at kfc..
im bottling up some feelings.. dunno whether shld tell u not.. or mayb i tink too much..
cya tmr.. muackz.
Photography-love (L)
Saturday, February 02, 2008
good morning darling!!! haha.. lets see... 12 more days to our 1 year anniversary!! haha!
enjoying myself more and more when i'm with you, though u are really super irritating at times.. >.< today can go shopping le! finally!~ heh
muackx! see ya later wor!
overall the past week was quite ok la.. though i had a few days where i was very busy.. doing up baby's presents.. and had to study.. haha.. but still, i managed to meet baby on a regular basis! hah! love you darling!
Photography-love (L)
e interview at UOB is over.. got stuck in one qn.. but overall ok lar..
mon gg to kelly services..
went to class for Dining & it was SUPER easy..
watched ELF w yunlei in the sch's lib..
thot i was late to meet baby but in the end he was later den me!
was PS to eat e indonesian food.. played bball in the arcade 4times! tats $4! lol.
we chose our new couple ring at couple lab n baby paid half of the total amount first.. his psp hao le.. haha..
showed my mum the birkis.. she said next is hers.. lol.. its lyk 1 yr i get 2 pairs.. baby will kill me lar!
hmmm.. im gg to slp SOON.. mus rest early.. tmr nd to go wrk~ sian ah..
Photography-love (L)