The Stories
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
actually im DAMN tired now..
but thot i jus blog bout wad i've done today.. lol..
me n ber distributed lyk few thousands of TODAY newspaper at city hall..
wads so special was the heart thing at e front of the pps..
1 and a half hr = $50 = left hand SUPER suan and pain after everything
after tat i went to sch wor! was SO tired actually but i oso dun wanna come back home.. so jus went for tutorial.. seeked advice from ms fong.. she was quite nice.. after another BORING lesson with tit chan.. i went to print out the documents needed for fri.. wonder wad kinda file to brg wor.. lol.. now i not so gan chiong le.. dunno y..
didnt meet baby today.. shld be tmr bah..
im DAMN DAMN tired..
gd nite..
Photography-love (L)
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
hehe.. baby! dun worry, i'll be able to sleep beside you soon enough! look out for every sunday =/ tat's when i can and will sleep beside u! HEHEX!
baby.. i know u have many things to worry about.. i'm always amazed by how strong my darling is.. she can stand tall even though there are alot of obstacles in her life.. so, by taking example from her, i'll stand with her, side by side, never leaving her, as she tackles all these problems, all these road blocks in her life. baby, i'll reduce one thing for you to worry, cos, i'll always be by your side, never leaving you, no matter what happens. muackx. you know, i'll always be there for you.
feel so happy to be able to spend some time with you earlier... although the time spent was short.. it was really very meaningful to me... love ya baby!
ok.. now back to the making of the presents! =X
Photography-love (L)
tink my baby fall aslp beside his sister.. how i wish he can pei wo to slp oso.. =(
i seriously hv no idea wad to do now.. i cant slp cus im still feeling alittle excited.. lol.. workin morning shift tmr so i'll go n collect e t-shirt for wed after wrk.. mayb will get to meet my dear tmr after his 'boys night out'.. haha..
im feeling alittle hungry.. cus i didnt hv dinner.. jus bought tako pachi to eat after wrk..
e birkis are here! got new shoe to wear le wor.. hee..
Photography-love (L)
Monday, January 28, 2008
received a call from UOB today..
woot!~ asked me to go down for an interview as an HR Assistant..
tis fri at UOB Plaza..
yunlei called me.. den we toked bout it.. she said she'll acc me on fri wor! support me! gloria mus jiayou jiayou!
i SUPER gan chiong~~~~~
gloria relax!!!
Photography-love (L)

watched this show today at marina sq.. NICE!
bought laksa to his hse in e morning.. went to mac at suntec for dinner, intention was to study.. but baby left e set of notes he wanna study under his desk.. den i oso alittle sian.. in e end went to watch movie.. lol..
yester' baby was out frm morning to nite!
poor him had to wait for me end wrk at 4plus..
den i went do my nails he waited for almost 2hrs..
after dinner at delifrance.. we headed to esplanade..
ended up at the library.. wow.. e view is nice n it was so comfortable lying on the sofa w baby beside me..
tis wk will be e last wk of sch except IS.. will be wrkin frm mon to thurs.. bobian.. nd e money..
baby tis few wks gonna be bz doing e presents he wanna give me.. baby mus oso rmb to study k!
Photography-love (L)
Thursday, January 24, 2008
baby baby... i really feel bad for not being able to go pick u from work today... i love to do so, even though i have to wait for u to finish work, but then again, at least i get to see you.. =) love you alot, really. but then today, i'm really very tired... too tired le.. so here i am, at home, studying abit, finding some info on the internet.. miss you wor!
btw baby, of cos u mus look forward to Vday!!! i got many surprises planned for you =) though i not going to name any! haha.. hope that baby oso will surprise me ba.. >.< prove me correct ok?? muackx!
Photography-love (L)
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
b4 meetin baby jus now, i had e chance to watch 'devil's wear prada' in sch..
its nice! but cus only had limited time to watch.. so didnt watch finish..
went to suntec's kfc to eat..
we decided not to eat at beach culture cus i tink its too ex..
mite end up dining at adof restaurant instead..
v-day is coming!
im more looking forward to tat day den cny.. haha..
Photography-love (L)
Sunday, January 20, 2008
after listening to Connie Talbot sing I Will Always Love You..
im seriously speechless..
she's gifted and super talented lar!..
u noe me lar..
can be v emotional sometimes..
after reading ur last entry..
wah.. tears jus kept flowing n flowing..
i even re-read it lyk thrice..
thx my baby..
thx for EVERYTHING..
im really trying to change..
25 more days to our 1 yr anni!
i cant wait to see wad u making for me lar!
Photography-love (L)
Thursday, January 17, 2008
for the past 11 months and 3 days... day after day, i grew to cherish u more, more as a person, more as a girlfriend, more as a girl... if you ask me now, have i loved you more than before, when i just met you, the answer is a definite YES. It might seem slow, but i know, and feel that you are changing, for the better, for my sake..
I often think and believe that i love you for who you are, not what is around you, or not your family, or not anything else. its only YOU in my eyes.. thus, no matter what happens, whether you have your own home or not, or whether your family is in financial problems or not, i will still be there, always by your side, or always a phone call away, when i'm at work. I'll still be there, for you. I don't care what people think, what people say, what people assume, i'm just glad to have you in my life.. And i will never ever leave you, for any of such silly reasons. You changed my perception on love, changed my life.. For the better.
I don't know why i am posting this, and i have no ulterior motive in posting all these, because, all i just want to say is, i really cherish you, my dear baby, my darling Gloria.. I really love you, and i really don't know how else can i express my love for you.
There's only a limit of what money can do, what money can buy, but to me, happiness, and love, are 2 things that can never be bought.. I rather be a poor pauper and am still with you, than be a rich man, and be alone. To me, i rather live my life being poor, as long as i can pamper you, buy you the things you want, to make you happy.. Seeing you smile, and appreciating what i got for you is priceless.. You, to me, is priceless as well.. Do you, feel the same way as i do baby?
I love you baby, and lets count down to our 1 year together. I promise, it will be a extremely unforgettable experience.
Nivel Baby, as you always call me.. (Or Nivel Lim when you're angry with me) =P
Photography-love (L)
greece.. greece.. greece..
meteora monasteries..
memorizing script!
tis is e 2nd time thruout my 3 yrs in poly whr i hv to memorise a script!
sales has been GOOD..
$1300 on mon...
$1500 on wed...
but no dinner on both days! =(
gonna hv a HEAVY meal b4 i start wrk tmr..
im finding a job..
n im still finding..
it takes time..
Photography-love (L)
Monday, January 14, 2008
stupid pig u! i nv forget la! i jus blur cos i kanna stunned by u when u said urgent then i faster call back then u starting like yelling into the phone "Happy 11mth anni!" of cos i stunned la! PIG!
haha, anyways, 1 more month to 1 year! woots! muackx!
Happy 11month Anniversary baby!!! MUACKX
Photography-love (L)
happy 11th mth anni my baby..
told him to call me immed, urgent!
he thot wad happened..
hee.. but actually jus wanna tell him HAPPY 11th MTH!!!
he lyk BLUR..
hmm.. trust tat he didnt forget..
feeling alittle down..
see my results..
all so lan except last sem..
no hope liao..
jiayou for e last 3 pps in NGEE ANN POLY bah..
22th FEB last pp.. last day in poly..
next time round i enter tat sch.. will be graduation day..
Photography-love (L)
Sunday, January 13, 2008
boo! its been a longggggggggggg time since i last posted. i bet baby missed me! haha!
well, after surviving the month of dec and the first week of jan with NO money, i finally got my pay on the 10th of the month, as per normal.. However, due to some suay-ness streak (which has been going on for a few months) i have, some thing/component/gadget/hardware will ALWAYS break down days before my payday! so.. for the month of jan, it was... my beloved graphics card. Awww man, and it was like... i got it for less than a year perhaps? TMD! soooo.... congratulations to me! before my pay day, i gotta break the bank... and get a new graphics card! oh my.
So here it goes... $199 for the PSP repair, inclusive of a freaking cheap 4GB memory stick from Fuwell... $210 for my graphics card. (which was $215 at first, but i bargained to $210).. so.. rounded up amt will be $410! before i get my miserable pay packet of $1.6k, i officially spent $400. Voila! left with $1.2.. sounds good to the average 20 yr old on the streets... but.... being the fillial son i am, i transfer money to my parents monthly... so its $400, instead of the usal $500.. =X.. left with $800.. hmmmm $103.5 for my insurance... means i have... $700... $100 for baby's insurance, so left with $600.. $100 to baby acct for safe keeping..., left with $500... $200 to my own savings acct, left with $300... payment of my singtel bill of $77... left with ... $230. WOOTS! VOILA! i'm broke again! and its on the 10th! wow. i just got my pay and i'm broke. i cant believe it! >.<
anyways.. back to me and baby... friday i chao kenged and got a MC. haha! went to vivo to catch national treasure.. wah! good show man! then slacked with baby along the vivo exterior.. the place where u can see sentosa gateway and the merlion de.. was damn cooling and shiok down there la! nice place to chill and relax with baby.. haha.. =)
sat.. we went to SP! haha.. visited my beloved campus... went back to see my UWR... glad to see got new stuff coming out! haha.. this yr.. not as fun as last yr.. reason being alot of us cant make it... due to army commitments... sigh.. hope can get a gathering soon... but its hard.. heh.
sun! today! KNS! kanna summoned for jaywalking! TMD! haha. went to bball court with baby.. shot a few hoops.. then whole day stone at home le wor! well.. i like sundays! always get to spend alot of individual time, slacking at home with baby.. cool man! haha.. =)
love you baby! jia you with ur projects ok? muackx!
Photography-love (L)
Friday, January 11, 2008
tmr is my ibs presentation!
trying to calm myself down.. lol..
kinda stress..
no! no!
i nd to relax!
nex wk nd to stress over tourism ppt..
mon hv rmw presentation but tat's ok lar.. quite simple..
gg to play psp soon!
Photography-love (L)
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
here i am in e sch's canteen waiting for time to pass..
waiting for baby to end wrk!
printed e things i nd..
surfing e net now..
Photography-love (L)
Saturday, January 05, 2008
was at home till 7pm..
fin up e elearning..
fin editing e video..
search for e infos for IBS..
hmm.. basically tats all..
nex 2 wks will be presentation, presentation AND presentation..
next wk itsWISP & IBS
wk after is RMW, Integrated and Tourism (same day)
oh my tian!
met baby for dinner jus now.. food was gd! =)
wanted to play pool.. but fully occupied!
went to arcade to play our usual game instead..
hmmm.. y wanna collect e psp tmr ne?
i oso not in e hurry to play..
now i hv to chiong projects & presentations wor..
nite nite..
Photography-love (L)
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Stay Out le! finally! haha.. dunno whether if its worth missing the staying-in period not ma.. hmmm..
i changed the blogskin and added songs to the playlist wor! haha =) love you baby...
the past 10 months have been crazy.. with me crazy in love with you.. thanks for being there for me whenever i need you baby.. =) you just know how to make my day.. heh heh..
dunno wad to blog abt wor.. >.< anyways.. love you baby and Happy 2008!!!
Photography-love (L)
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
while waiting for the role play video to load.. i shall blog!
actually now im editing a video of our role play.. i need to listen carefully and add in subtitles! but im sure i can do it.. hee.. jiayou jiayou.. =)
tourism is DONE as in really really DONE. PHEW!
elearing all almost done..
WISP gg to be over tmr..
need to do integrated tmr..
need to do IBS on fri..
HAPPY 2008!!!
and im going to have the digit 2 infront of my age le! old liao ah!!!!
Time for some reflection.. lol..
The best thing that has happened to me in 2007 is....
1) Meeting Nivel Lim and having him in my life for the past 10 mths.
2) Shifting out of that house
Little hor?
new year resolution..
1) Save $$$
2) Spend more quality time with baby
3) Meet up with my sister more often
4) Shift into our OWN house
blah blah blah..
baby oso must blog ah..
Photography-love (L)