The Stories
Sunday, December 30, 2007

*@ Beach Culture w baby on Christmas Night*
today felt so relax w baby!
we watched I am Legend and half way thru e movie i jus kept luffin at my dear baby.. haha~ yes.. e sound effect was really LOUD. tat's y u bei xia dao, den i oso xia dao.. haha..
after e movie we walked to esplanade and den opposite fullerton whr e merlion is..
yester' waited for baby to fin wrk den went to his hse for stayover..
surprised him w a 2008 calender.. hope baby lyks it cus i tink its nice.. hee..
projects not done n im STARTING to feel STRESS.
love u baby..
Photography-love (L)
Thursday, December 27, 2007
x'mas gifts received tis yr...
1) Citigems earrings from baby! (THANKS FOR THE PRESENT BABY.)
2) MEXX bag from mummy!
3) Soft toy, calender & 2008 diary from desmond!
x'mas bash 07' has ended and it was a BLURST!
baby was given the MR BEST DRESSED 07' title!!!
*proud of u!*
Photography-love (L)
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
xmas party last nite at my aunt's place was not bad.. sad to say only e turkey was gd..cus baby did e stuffing! hee..
alvin & e chipmunks show was not bad too.. ended jus nice to catch e last train.. =)
today.. had dinner at BEACH CULTURE! had 15% discount wor! hahaha..
Photography-love (L)
Saturday, December 22, 2007
baby ah baby.. sometimes i dun understand why u say u feel ppl dun like u.. hmmm at times i do feel tat way oso.. but i turn a blind eye to wad's happening.. cos the bottomline is i want to spend time with u only.. so i dun really go bother abt wad is going on beside or ard us.. hope u can adopt such a technique oso... block out the rest of the ppl, and only conc on the 2 of us. =)
sigh... first sat afternoon in dunno how many weeks, i'm finally staying at home.. primarily cos i have nth to do, no where to go, and dun have my baby to be by my side.. she's working! haha.. can earn money... for herself to spend.. haha. =)
baby.. i love you.. xD
Photography-love (L)
Friday, December 21, 2007
baby sent tis msg to me..
"you know... sometimes i really scared we wun last..
cos i trying to change for you..
but most of the time you turn a deaf ear to wad i say abt you..
trying to tell u to change some minor things.. but alwayz very difficult..
i dun want our relationship to end over such a silly thing..
But i really hope sometimes you can accept and change..
abit i also very happy.."
im making tis relationship worse jus becus of e way im acting..
but seriously.. i really feel tat pple dun lyk me.. tat's y im drifting away not coming near..
bought xmas presents today..
Photography-love (L)
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
the integrated part for RMW is ALMOST done.. woot!~
realised tis few days i've been toking bout projs, projs and projs..
baby read le dun sian ah!
the korean witch show nice nice!
gotto go prepare soon le!
Photography-love (L)
wrk extended half hr cus of xmas season.. sian lar but extra $$$ oso..
im tired!
muacks baby.
Photography-love (L)
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
im progressing!
my part for tourism is DONE!
for e integrated de ne.. i only did 1 out of 4 parts..
fin 1 part brain dead.. mus type type type, think think think.. cnt lar..
but anyway im progressing n im happy!!!
tonite gotto continue e integrated de..
in awhiles time nd to prepare for wrk le.. hope it wont rain!
my mum cooked curry today!
muackz baby.
Photography-love (L)
projects after projects..
first, integrated proj (SHRM,IEMP,RMW)
next, tourism proj about GREECE
next, wisp proj about ISREAL
not forgetting i nd to prepare for my IBS wedding package..
im in e committee of the xmas party tis yr!
so many things to do lar!
Photography-love (L)
Monday, December 17, 2007
met baby ard 1045 tis morning..
went PS to buy Warlords tix.. it was e last row wor!~
had LJS but first time i NV fin up e food..
tink e steamboat last nite hvn fully digested yet.. lol..
e show was not bad lar..
had a huge quarrel w baby..
sigh.. im really sorry..
promise it wont happen agn..
b4 heading to his hse,
we bought bento set from Niwa Sushi..
was so-so only..
nth nice.. tink baby didnt lyk it..
he didnt mind sending me home.. muackz..
but he ended up being late even thou he left early!
der wasnt a single cab in sight! faint.
he had no choice but to call a cab n in no time e cab appeared.. wth.
he reached ard 11:15pm..
he's bz studying now..
jiayou jiayou..
Photography-love (L)
Saturday, December 15, 2007
no.... never... i wun ever want to break up with you.. you are too important to me...
i was just hoping.. with what i said.. u will understand a bit of what i am going through.. and come be by my side.. and support me morally.. tat's all i wanted.. sigh..
Photography-love (L)
'i cant take it anymore.
take care..'
does tat mean u wanna break up?
Photography-love (L)
Friday, December 14, 2007
sigh.. its our 10th month. yet so many things have to happen... i tot that today, after meeting you, everything will be ok le... i really enjoyed myself today.. really.. though i was carrying a heavy bag, i had no complaints, as i finally can spend time, quality time with you, my dear..
but when i reached home... my whole mood changed. first... my bro told me.. tmr have to go to my aunt's place.. for some crappy christmas family gathering.. its like. WTF? i totally don't want to go. but do i have a choice? nope i don't. i am not even in the position to comment in this family, not in the position to have my OWN freedom to go out as and when i like, even ON my bookout days. I'm like a freaking nobody at home. i feel so out of place. i feel like i'm a outsider. within my own family. how does that feel? i apologise for been very harsh on the phone. but if u know how i'm feeling right now, i believe u wun blame me. I'm a outsider at home, I'm a nobody at work. Imagine... throughout this whole week, i have been receiving blow after blow..
firstly.. i cant book out on 5:30pm on 19th, a wed nite, i can only book out on 8:30pm onwards, due to some stupid xmas celebvration in afs.
secondly, we have additional drill lessons, which are freaking pointless and useless, on mondays, 5:30pm, AND fridays 5:00pm. Swee rite? friday oso cant book out in peace. Imagine how i feel. And all these PLUS a few quarrels with you throughout this whole week.. i really feel like breaking down... but i cant... i have to be strong...
i mean, you wun be able to understand how sian or how low i feel, after hearing some stuff.. its like we trainees are being bullied, into submission, by our sch comd.. and no one can do anything abt it, not even protest... sigh.. we feel worst than ants in afs..
previously, for the past 10 months, i have never, told anyone, not even my bro, not even any of my close friends.. of the sensitive topics we talk on the phone.. especially not when i am commenting on ppl eating up my precious talk time.. i have limited time to talk to you daily.. she get to see you everyday, and talk to you everyday... why must it be so coincidental that when i call you to talk, she must be beside, talking to you? why cant i at least.. have some private time? am i asking too much? perhaps so.. but i dun think i'm asking too much when i'm asking that our conversation betw us be kept betw ourselves, and ourselves only... but perhaps u made a casual remark to her.. and told her of what i said.. it might not be on purpose when you said tat.. but nevertheless, i feel very very very betrayed... i can accept being betrayed by any of my friends... but by you? my partner? the girl whom i'm so madly in love with? its simply too hard to swallow... call it ego, or pride... but i'm devastated...
i'm under alot of stress, both during work, and out of work.. i'm hoping to enjoy my book out time... but i believe it will be hard to do so.. i envy all my other friends who are all attached... they get to enjoy their weekends... but i cant seem to be able to enjoy... or unwind...
i'm breaking down le.
i cant take it anymore.
take care..
Photography-love (L)
morning went to sch for IBS..
hv to start preparing my proposal le.. STRESS.
hanged out in sch w yunlei till 230 den went to wrk..
my sales was pretty gd today.. haha~ really based on luck de..
had sushi n toast bread..
hv to stop pampering myself le..
bro enlisting tmr..
when he ORD.. it'll be 2yrs ltr le.. hopefully i'll be in SIM by den..
Happy 10th Mth Anni..
sigh.. sometimes i jus dun understand u..
Photography-love (L)
Thursday, December 13, 2007
haha~ but.. its EX.
baby came to find me after wrk.. haha.. sort of expected he'll come..
love u my baobei..
Photography-love (L)
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
my aunty talk talk talk only..
but to hear someone elses family worse off den my family.. i feel tat im quite lucky le.. i shldnt ask too much..for now.. wadeva i hv i shld jus make do with it..
wah. tat basturd told ppl he's supporting me in poly.. wtf.. he nv even give a single cent.. tryin to use tis to gain more face.. puuuuuuiiiiiiiiiiiii......
n wad he said to my mum is really v hurting.. sigh.. dun wan see mummy cry ah..
back from lunch.. laksa wasnt enuf so i ordered popiah! haha.
Photography-love (L)
i fin watchin romantic princess le! woot~
lousy ending but overall not bad lar..
dione recommended to watch another show, Ying Ye 3 Jia 1..
but i suddenly had e urge to watch Full House cus i nv get to watch fin..
so.. ta-dah!~ im watching it on youtube frm tmr onwards.. =)
today is another boring day at wrk n at home..
tmr meetin mich for lunch at bugis..
dunno baby book out will come find me not..
Photography-love (L)
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
waiting for the show to load fin..
so meanwhile, i update e blog lor..
woke up at 12pm today..
didnt hv my lucnh till 3pm cus i dun hv a single cash in my wallet~!
had kimchi soup.. yummy yummy..
no dinner.. but drank bubble tea..
after wrk went mac had fillet student meal.. alone wor.. sad. =(
wonder we'll still carry on the x'mas gathering notz..
cus yc now ask us wanna hold it in a restaurant instead not cus all lyk not free..
dunno ah..
baby 24th to 26th no wrk! hee.. *happy*
Photography-love (L)
Monday, December 10, 2007
i hv no cash.
tink i leave earlier go bugis eat bah. =p
yester' supposed to meet baby at kemb mrt de.. but den raining..
so ended up baby can n pick me up..
went pr to cut his hair..
den went tamp to tui his finger.. e person wrapped e finger till so big lar.. funny lar.. haha~
had din tai feng at TM..
went vivo bought mummy's Guess watch..
passed to her den off to his hse le..
i slept lyk 1hr? was tired wor..
had dinner at bugis village foodcourt.
surprisingly e food is not bad..
gonna watch my show le..
Photography-love (L)
Sunday, December 09, 2007
my baby updated few mins ago only!
yup.. he bought me a titus watch..
my mum n denise said nice!
dun worry.. i lyk it.. really..
we had ajisen for lunch!
but baby didnt drink e soup cus he said drink le tu zhi kuai kuai.. hee.
bout e Guess wallet ne..
i say onli lar.. cus its beige den easy dirty..
we can always see others de..
fossil mayb hv nice de?
but not white de lar.. =p
we played e bball at arcade after i end wrk..
e score was 579 i tink.. super high lar!
first time.. *happy*
was nice walkin w baby in e rain.. awww... *sweet*
Photography-love (L)
woooo today was a huge spending spree.. first time spent so much in a day... and i'm very scared of it.. >.< scared overspend, end of month no money again.. sigh..
anyways, today i bought a pair of couple watch... Titus de.. from City Chain... Baby liked it at first... but then after she wore it... she said the chain too man... not nice for girls to wear... sigh.. damn sad after tat...
anyway, i got a new comp casing! woot! and now i boast of 900GB HDD space! 100more GB to 1TB. haha... and a better Power Supply than before.. hopefully, i can overload my USB Ports now.. hmmmm...
tmr gonna buy baby's mum's present... hope can use the UOB to get the 10% disc bah.. haha.. can save even more! heh! still haven get baby's wallet yet... hmmm.. should i get the Guess wallet for her neh? *thinking in process*
love you darling... though the time spent together today was short... at least.. we did spend quality time together... hopefully we can carry on like this till the end of time bah.. hope to be with you forever... and lets not have our parents interfere or disrupt or inconveinence our relationship ok?
Our relationship is abt us, and US only.. You + Me only.. so.. we dun bother abt wad others say, or think, or restrict us ok? As long as WE are happy, its enough!
MUACKX baby!
Photography-love (L)
Friday, December 07, 2007
sigh... u might think that i nv read.. but in actual fact, i do.. just that i cant update..
i feel really bad, not being able to join you today.. celebrating your mum's bdae... but i am really not feeling well.. have been with the cough for 2-3 weeks? sigh..
hope you understand.. i hate myself..
Photography-love (L)
Thursday, December 06, 2007
hsnt been updating regularly..
cus baby oso dun read..
met baby last nite at PS..
had Thai Express..
woke up too early today..
Photography-love (L)