The Stories
Sunday, September 30, 2007
worked for gilian's events co. yester'..
5hrs = $60!~
easy money.. jus hv to stand der.. lol..
tis money hopefully can last me thru tis wk so i dun hv to redraw anything..
by fri most prob will get recruit express n dmk's pay..
mus go find other part time jobs le.. preferably bugis area ba.. since im gonna stay der for e nex few mths.. sian la.. tat hse kinda restricted.. dun wanna go home early if i hv e choice.. but one thing gd is tat dey hv internet.. lol.. n my two dear cousins whom i can talk to.. nth else le..
ltr gg central w my bao bei to get e cards tat i wanna giv my colleagues..
after tat no idea go whr le.. sigh.. nex sun or sat we'll be gg jurong! haha..
hugs my u.
Photography-love (L)
Thursday, September 27, 2007
my baby now doing his guard-duty wor..
while im at home watchin 'one litre of tears'..
nice show..
yester we went to watch i now pronounce u chuck and larry.. super nice show lah!
tmr gonna submit my timesheet to recruit express so tat i can get my pay by end of nex wk.. den we'll shop for my black polo tee to wear for e 5hrs wrk tis sat being ushers.. $10 per hr wor.. haha..
mus rmb to pay my hp bill tmr! dun forget ah gloria!
Photography-love (L)
Monday, September 24, 2007
mayb u r rite.
Photography-love (L)
Sunday, September 23, 2007
you won't understand... its not the money that matters. its the thought that matters..
i've always hoped to see you wear/use something i bought for you... but you've always disappointed me.. have you ever wondered, how it feels? i doubt u do.. you only care abt your preferences and likes..
Photography-love (L)
hmmm.. how should i put it?? thruout the duration of this week... it seems like baby has been spending alot more time with my family than before... i'm happy abt it! haha.. hopefully baby wun feel uncomfortable in front of my family soon.. haha! feels as if... she's closer to my family now.. and my mum is really really accepting her oso.. haha!
dunno why... everytime i look at baby.. or look into her eyes.. its as if i'm falling deeper and deeper in love with her.. haha.. maybe she got those mesmerizing eyes bah... haha! but i not so sure abt how baby feel le.. heh. hopefully its mutual bah..
love to hug baby! and kiss her! and spend time with her! (alone is always the best.. no ppl disturb) baby i love you!
Photography-love (L)
Thursday, September 20, 2007
i'm very very pissed off with wrk, my workplace, my colleagues. fucked up surroundings. fucked up ppl. surrounded by hypocrites, backstabbers and gut-less ppl. PUI. kns.
i nv do anything wrong also must take arrow for you all. at least now i know who my true friends are.
Photography-love (L)
Thursday, September 13, 2007
todae is my 3rd day at excel marco... so far so gd.. not borin n i kinda enjoy wrkin cus ders alwas a sense of accomplishment when i fin a task all by myself.. hearin michelle said, 'job well done!' was really shuang... lol.. mostly ad-hoc jobs loh.. w e basic admin stuffs i nd to do everyday.. every other day im learnin new things n its actually fun.. jus tat i cant make a mistake loh.. happy to meet new pple in e office too.. =) as a receptionist.. i hv to always put on a smile.. n greet them 'Good Morning!'.. haha.. actually i greeted dem unknowingly.. but michelle said tat was e rite thing to do.. wow! haha.. so i shall continue greetin dem till e last day of wrk.. gonna miss the ppl n e environment der.. more den mediacorp i can say.. ohya.. e company treats deir employees really well.. as in gd welfare loh.. haha..
met up w baby n his jie yester' at suntec.. =) nice meetin her..
gloria baby.
Photography-love (L)
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
uniscali is over.. haha.. sad to say, i didnt really enjoy myself.. cos i dunno 7/8 of the ppl there.. but well, at least i got to spend time with baby.. haha.. first time i spent so much time with her over the weekend wor! thurs nite, she came to my place... friday nite was uniscali.. sat afternoon came over my place to sleep then went to ecp to cycle and eat.. the food's nice! haha.. maybe next month can go there eat again.. heh.. i wanna learn skating wor! then can learn with baby.. so next time can skate together.. then hold hands while skating.. woohoo! that would be sweet! hahah!
work has been the usual.. boring like crap.. hahah
baby got a new job!!! woohoo~! pay's better than stupid DMK oso... hours shorter oso.. haha.. hope baby will enjoy herself there =)
nivel baby!
Photography-love (L)
Thursday, September 06, 2007
well.. tmr is e uniscali! gathering..
not really excited bout it.. hah.. but jus wan it to be successful.. =)
i met up w ken and des a couple of times to settle the things needed for tmr..
seems tat ken wont be able to get leave.. so it will jus be me,baby,des and yanching who will help out to prepare for tmr.. ohya.. hazwan coming at 4pm.. =) one big task is to blow the balloons! ders lyk so many to blow la.. n des said he will help to tie e ribbon n hang up cus his scared of balloons! so he wont wanna blow it! -faint- but funny.. haha..
will be gg bedok to get e remaining bottles n to oso check wad cake i shld get tmr.. well.. yup.. im in-charged of getting e birthday cake for e sept babies.. which simple means im gonna spend $$$.. den gg baby's hse for dinner..
received my cheque last nite.. so i'll hv e money tmr after 12pm or 2pm i cant rmb..
gloria. =)
Photography-love (L)
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
hmmm been a while since i last posted..
been kinda busy ba.. went to fetch baby after work tat day.. then went to airport to see angela off.. quite a nice girl la.. saw her b4 on the train.. =P then friday afternoon.. went to desmond's house to do ber's present and prepare the upcoming chalet things.. hopefully that girl will appreciate wad her friends are doing for her.. sigh. girls.
sat went to temple! woohoo! first time baby ji dong say go de.. haha.. happy.. but then.. in the evening.. this lazy baby pig of mine.. lazy to run -.- its not even run la.. its like jogging... haha.. maybe i can use these weekly runs to train for my 2.4km... then maybe retake my ippt to get a gold.. get S$100 more... still money rite? haha.. free money leh. haha..
then sunday... we went to simlim.. where i nearly slap a china girl. i hate china ppl i tell u. freaking idiots should just confine themselves to their landlocked land with 3billion ppl and jump down from the great wall of china to reduce pollution(their chain smoking and lousy cars which don't pass gas emission tests) and reduce their population rate.
after tat we went to comex.. to meet kenny and des.. then went to kenny's house to do the chalet thigns again... haha.. starting was a bit boring and sian.. cos all no mood do.. =X after tat when we started playing the music all of us got HIGH.. haha..
monday was a damn boring day in work.. its like.. i want to call baby.. but the god damned lab have ZERO reception.. then if i go out of the room to talk.. i'm putting myself in a position whereby ALOT of ppl can see me.. and then.. if they buai song.. can just arrow me.. "why are you here young man? no work to do? where's your headdress? why you wear a jacket?" blah blah blah... so strict la.. then i wanna msg.. but baby working... cant always reply.. super sian... ahah..
anyways.. friday is the uniscali chalet! haha.. look forward to it.. cos i did help in the prep work afterall.. hehe. hope baby will ji dong.. can have some er ren shi jie with me during the chalet... =)
love you baby.. sorry i was alittle unreasonable last nite.. i was jus super tired..
nIveL baby =)
Photography-love (L)