The Stories
Monday, June 18, 2007
wah.. i v v long nv blog le.. baby oso nv ask me.. haha.. weird..
baby POP le.. =)
he's now in msia.. hope he's hvin fun..
he bought me a handphone!!! n i luv it v much.. thx baby!
tmr n wed i'll be wrking.. so.. at least wont be bored since he's not in sg..
we cnt msg much either.. cus his hp no auto roam.. so hv to use father's phone.. sigh.
thurs we celebratin mei's bdae.. time lyk pass v fast wor.. haha..
had a gatherin w ken. des n zj todae.. was superbly FUN.
Photography-love (L)
Thursday, June 07, 2007
last common test pp todae.. was difficult!
mich wasnt feelin well.. so we didnt go out..
i accied elina to cle n we played a few rounds of pool..
went back home n slp..
tats all.. boring.
ohya.. got my cheque le.. by tmr can get money..
Photography-love (L)
baby woke me up tis morning.. den went to revise thru the notes.. reached sch early but we walked v slowly to e hall.. we were jus in time but everyone was alrdy seated down readin e qn pp.. diao. e pp so ok lo.. wrote till hand suan.. haha~ left e moment i fin pp..
bought instant laksa (baby, e one u ate tat day in sentosa's 7-11 but its e laksa one) n california roll for dinner.. tmr after pp meetin mich n angela.. dey wanna watch movie.. but actually i dun feel lyk watchin de.. nvm la.. jus acc dem lo.. i jus dun wanna watch e same movie..
baby's drill squad came in 2nd place! =D now baby can rest more le..
muackz baby.
was at home e whole day studying.. using com & watchin tv.. went out in e evenin to packet food back w mei.. im practically broke! i nd e dmk pay badly..
i miss baby badly.
Photography-love (L)
Monday, June 04, 2007
yest onli met baby at nite for dinner.. we had teppanyaki at tm.. nice! =D
we went ntuc to buy his junk food to eat inside.. *shakes head* he hor.. had to put some stuffs back onto e shelves cus he buy alot loh.. he wanna pamper himself so bought tuna sandwich frm delifrance.. haha.. he booked in at 9pm..
i came back home.. studied till 12plus lyk tat.. den helped mummy to do her stocks agn.. slept at 130am.. =p
mornin wake up.. studied n revised thru tmr's pp le.. so now takin a LONG break.. den gonna study comp for wed.. at nite revise one last time for t&d..
baby fri hv route march.. so sat afternoon den book out..
fri n sun i wrkin wor..
muackz baby.
Photography-love (L)
Sunday, June 03, 2007
yester' i went to tamp lib ard 2pm to study.. was studyin den tis weird man approach me.. crazy.. baby came about 3plus.. saw him carry so many stuffs i shocked.. den we went kfc to hv lunch.. n took bus to his hse.. e journey quite long wor.. studied in his hse while he typed his things.. we hungry le den went eunos bought sushi n malay bee hoon goreng.. nice nice.. e bubble tea wasnt enuf to drink so baby made milo ice blended.. =) we decided to watch skrek 3 but baby slept for awhile at e end of e show cus he was too tired..
reached home.. mummy told me e hse sold to a phillipino.. we nd to shift out by oct 15.. 4 more mths.. wonder whr we'll stay..
muacks baby.
after baby booked out last nite.. we took train to his hse.. i waited for him at his hse bus stop.. noe he wasnt happy la.. but i really didnt wanna go upstairs.. after he was done.. i met him and he drove me to changi village to eat.. we had our fav chicken chop hor fun.. he bought fried dumplings oso.. yummy.. after e meal.. we drove to e area whr we can see planes take off.. but der were a few cars at both areas le.. so we ended up at a carpark at changi beach watching planes fly passed above us which is about to land at changi airport.. we guessed wad planes will fly pass.. in e end onli baby got one rite which is SIA.. haha.. he wasnt happy w me thru out the drive back home.. he was pissed la.. i dunno how to tell u how i feel.. after pop ba k.. muackz..
Photography-love (L)
Friday, June 01, 2007
me now in ws mac.. my mei brought my laptop for me.. actually is to let her use de la.. im gonna study.. n im progressing! woohoo~!
went to lect todae.. ya.. i listened to na noi cus its her last day todae! gonna miss her!
den i had yong tau foo for lunch.. wah.. super full.. tink century sq de is still e nicest.. me n yulei booked a room in e lib n studied for 1hr plus.. i could really conc wor! wanted to go home strgt de.. but i tink i'll end up slping at home.. so mite as well come out n study.. den got my mei to pei wo.. =)
todae is mummy's 1st day at hbf offically as supervisor.. she lyk givin herself unnecessary stress.. hope she can do it.. mummy jia you!
kk.. gotto giv my mei use le.. tata~
gonna meet baby tonite..
Photography-love (L)